The Cat Bed

When it comes to cat beds, the choices are almost endless. They come
in an assortment of styles and colors and sizes to go with any décor.
You can find pillows of all sizes and shapes covered with any type of
fabric. Some create a nest when the cat lies in it. Some are shaped like
sofas; others like beds, tents, and royal crowns; and still others like
sacks lined with faux sheepskin to keep kitty warm.
That said, you will probably find kitty dozing on your bed or a sofa or
chair, or napping in the sunlight as it streams in through the window. If
you are going to buy a cat bed, make sure it’s set in a place where
you’ve seen your kitty napping.
Cats love warm places. They also like dark small places in which to
snuggle down for a nap. So you might also put a cardboard box with a
towel inside in each of several rooms so kitty can jump in and nap or
play. Cats don’t care if it’s expensive as long as it’s comfortable.
When kitty becomes a senior, you might want to buy a cat bed (or
make one) that is filled with foam in an egg crate pattern to ease any
pressure points on arthritic joints
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