Can Cats Eat Bacon? Get the Facts

Cats are obligate carnivores, which means they must eat meat; their bodies simply need it. (On the other hand, dogs are considered scavengers, which means that they are primarily meat eaters - but they could survive on plants alone if absolutely necessary). But what about meats like bacon? Can cats eat bacon? And if cats can eat bacon, should they?

Bacon a plate.

Bacon Basics

Before answering the question "Can cats eat bacon?" let's see what bacon is exactly. Bacon belongs to the pig family, which is one of the most versatile meats we include in family meal planning. But pork and its counterparts - like bacon and ham - are loaded with sodium, fat and calories that our cats should be getting in very low doses.
Should cats eat bacon?

So, can cats eat bacon? Technically, yes. Having too much bacon can make them immediately sick (we'll come back to that later), but the biggest problem is that bacon can have long-term negative effects on our felines. Many cats - especially as they get older and are kept strictly indoors - sleep much more than when they are hunting or playing. They really need an accurate nutritional profile to compensate for their lack of movement.

With a sleeping schedule of 16 to 20 hours a day (yes, you read that right), that doesn't leave much time for the cat's body to burn off the dense caloric profile of bacon or any other pork product. Bacon is mostly high in sodium and fat, which is not better for pets than it is for us.

To put it simply, eating too much salt can cause the following conditions for your cat :

High blood pressure
Blocked blood vessels

Can cats eat turkey bacon?

Cats that eat turkey bacon are also not a better alternative to your usual bacon. Turkey bacon should also be fed to cats in very low doses because of the high amount of sodium and preservatives needed to make the product.
Can cats eat pieces of bacon?

You may also ask yourself: "Can cats eat bacon bits? Again, you should avoid artificial bacon bits that you can sprinkle on salads for the same reasons that over-processed, high-sodium products are not a good idea for your cat's well-being.
Can cats eat raw bacon?

While it is generally important that any type of pork product is well cooked to avoid parasites, you can give your cat a piece of raw bacon from time to time. However, there is always a lack of real health benefits, so you are strongly advised to consult a veterinarian or veterinary nutritionist before feeding your cat any type of raw meat.
Can cats eat bacon as a treat?

So when should a cat be fed bacon? Bacon and pieces of ham are especially good for hiding pills in the short term, or as a high level reward (think after a nail clipping session or a visit to the vet). Remember: if it's an occasional treat, your cat will probably enjoy it all the more.

"We love our pets and want to give them treats, but often we don't think about treats from a caloric point of view," says John P. Loftus, M.D., Cornell University College of Veterinary Medicine. "It adds up over time. It's better to show our love in ways other than food.
What happens if your cat eats a lot of bacon?

If your cat unexpectedly ingests a large portion of bacon that you were going to serve to guests at a Sunday brunch, you may find that your cat has an upset stomach and ends up vomiting (so be careful where you put your feet). But chances are he'll get back on his feet and you'll have extra bacon to make for your guests!

Vignette: Photograph © anmbph | iStock / Getty Images.
To learn more about what cats can - and can't - eat, visit :

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