How do cats show affection? Look for these 6 signs of affection

How do cats show their affection? Cat kissing, grooming, tail fluffing, chirping and meowing - these are just some of the gentle ways cats show affection to people they feel close to. Because some of the signs of a cat's affection are subtle, they are often misinterpreted and sometimes overlooked. So how do cats show affection? In general, kittens don't show their warm feelings towards people in loud and boisterous ways. They don't wag their tails or spray their loved ones with careless kisses like some dogs do. On the contrary, cats whisper their affection. Here are a few signs of affection towards cats that every cat parent should be aware of.

1. Cats show affection through their eyes

A gray tabby cat with his eyes closed or blinking.

How do cats show affection with their eyes? It's a pretty good indicator that your cat trusts and enjoys your company when she looks at you with her eyes half closed while blinking slowly. These special blinks are called "cat kisses" and are reciprocal. You can tell your cat that you love her too by giving her cat kisses. This sign of affection for the cat is synonymous with relaxation, contentment, affection and trust; they help build and strengthen your relationship with him. It may react by blinking more slowly.

2. Cats show affection through their tails

A cat tail curled at the top.


How do cats show their affection by the tail? The tail is a barometer of emotions, which accurately conveys emotions through the way it is held and positioned, and the degree of swelling of the fur. Combined with body language and other indicators, it communicates a range of emotions from fear and aggression to affection and happiness. While most people easily recognize the signs of fear and aggression, they are not as aware that the tail is also an indicator of a cat's affection.

Cats often show their emotional attachment by the placement of their tail. The connection is demonstrated by wrapping the tail around the legs and arms of their favorite buddies. Sometimes kittens express warm feelings when they relax next to their peers while physically touching them or placing their tail on them. Although I try not to be anthropomorphic, this gentle behaviour reminds me of holding a best friend.

In addition to wrapping and touching their tail, kittens express their happiness and warm feelings by fluffing the base of their tail while making it quiver subtly. At the same time, they hold their tail straight with a slight curve at the top. This behavior is sometimes called the "happy tail dance". It is usually accompanied by a loving wink from the kitten.

3. Cats show affection through cheek rubs

A cat man getting a head rub from a gray cat.

How do cats show affection when they rub their cheeks on you? A friendly way for cats to greet those they trust and feel safe with is to rub their cheeks. Cheek rubs are a sign of affection for cats and are also an invitation to socialize. Kittens have scent glands on their cheeks that produce pheromones. In addition to showing their confidence and affection to their favorite people, felines mark property by their behavior and mix their smells with those they are attached to.

With unfamiliar cats, you can encourage socialization by extending your index finger toward the cat at about nose height. It doesn't matter if it's just a few feet away or across the street. If he wants to say hello, he will come close to your finger and touch it with his nose, then turn his head until your finger is on his cheek. If she trusts you, she will rub your hand with her cheek, indicating that she is open to socializing. This could be the beginning of a beautiful friendship!

4. Cats show affection through head bunting

how do cats show affectionHow do cats show their affection by headbanging or buntings? This is a sign of affection from cats that also marks you and mixes its scent with yours. It is a social behaviour of affection for cats that does double duty. In addition to showing trust and friendship, the head bunting proclaims ownership. The scent produced by the glands located on your kitten's head is transferred to you when it hits you with its head.

5. Cats show affection through language

how do cats show affection


How do cats show their affection with cat sounds? Purring, chirping, purring, trilling and meowing often communicate affection and trust. Although cat moms reassure their kittens with chirping and singing, these gentle sounds of affection are often reserved for special people that cats feel close to. The emotions felt are also expressed through other vocalizations, such as special meows and yowls, some of which are soft and resemble those of kittens, while others are louder.

Purring can also indicate that your kitten feels safe, secure and reassured around you. Her purring can show affection, especially when accompanied by kitten kisses and other expressive signs of cat affection such as touching you with a paw or tail.

6. Cats show affection through grooming

how do cats show affection

How do cats show affection through grooming? Cats that feel connected and close to each other groom each other (allogrooming). This behavior helps them to relax, feel confident and develop a sense of community, which is important for recognizing family members and friends. People are not exempt from this sign of affection towards cats - grooming is not reserved only for cats of the same species. Cats sometimes lick their human friends, showing affection while mixing their smells.

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