How to Keep Your Cat Active and Cool During the Summer

Summer is the time to relax and slow down, a time to seek relief from searing temperatures. Cats are geniuses for finding the coolest spots in their homes. Sometimes they stretch out on cold bathroom tiles or in places where there are refreshing cross breezes. Although kitties are not as active in hot weather as they are when it's cooler, they still need to do more than nap. Encourage your cats to try these six cool activities that stimulate while encompassing their natural behaviors.summer is a time to relax and slow down, a time to seek relief from hot weather. Cats are geniuses at finding the coolest places in their homes. Sometimes they lie on cold bathroom tiles or in places where there are refreshing cross breezes. Although kittens are not as active in hot weather as they are in cooler weather, they still need more than a nap. Encourage your cats to try these six cool activities that stimulate them while embracing their natural behaviors.


1. Ice cubes in meat broth

Help keep your cat cool and entertained with these easy-to-prepare meat broth ice cubes. Start from scratch and cook your own broth, as commercial broths are flavoured with sodium, garlic, spices and other ingredients that are toxic to cats. You only need two ingredients: raw meat and fresh water. Place your cat's favourite meat, along with the bones, in a large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. Cooking time will vary depending on the meat and the amount of water. Do not add anything to the mixture, just meat and water.

After preparing the broth, remove the fat and pour the broth into ice cube trays. Broth cubes are most appetizing when a piece of meat is added to each cube before being placed in the freezer. Once they are frozen, put a few cubes in a large shallow bowl for your cat. Every kitten in the house deserves its own bowl with two frozen meat cubes. Cats enjoy tasting the melting broth while getting the "prize" of the meat.


2. Water toys

Water can be made more attractive with toys. Float hollow plastic balls and other waterproof toys in bowls, fountains and sinks. Your cat will love to play with bats and try to catch elusive objects. Make sure the toys are safe, cannot be swallowed or have parts that can be bitten.


3. Water games

Many cats like to drink and tap water. Give you and your feline companions motion-sensitive water faucets that easily attach to kitchen and bathroom faucets. Although designed for humans, most cats quickly understand how to activate them by head movements and paw strokes.

Pet water fountains are also popular with most kittens. You can choose from a variety of commercial models, including decorative and expensive ceramic models, as well as inexpensive plastic models. All pet water fountains should be cleaned at least once a week.


4. Floor toys

Cats are individuals - everyone has their own preferences when it comes to toys. Many like ball toys, while others like to spend time fishing for toys and treats from puzzle boxes, feeders and toys. Some choose to put their favourite toys in their mouths or chase them across the floor, while others prefer to stalk, pounce and catch toys dragged by their peers.


5. Vertical territory

If cats could write, they would put large cat trees and apartments at the top of their list of must-haves. They would also ask you to place them near screened windows. These are perfect places to observe what's going on in the neighborhood while enjoying a cross breeze and taking a nap after a play session. Also incorporate vertical territory into your cat's play sessions by dragging over posts, feathers and ribbons for your kitten to chase.


6. Hiding places

Most kittens like to nap, play and hide under furniture and in bags, boxes and tunnels. Bags must be safe - use only paper bags without handles. Make these places more enjoyable by angling them to catch a crosswind. Encourage your cat to use them for something other than hiding and napping by throwing her favourite toys and rolling treats in them.
Know when it's time to play

Choose the right times to play. Avoid vigorous gambling in hot weather - heat can cause serious health problems. Instead, encourage gambling in the mornings and evenings when it's cooler. You may be able to attract your cat by rubbing her favourite toys with treats and catnip. Also incorporate play into meals by putting food and treats in puzzle boxes and toys.


In addition to the dangers of overheating, know your cat's limits when playing with him. Older cats and cats with disabilities do not play as intensely or as long as young adults and kittens. Even kittens that like to play intensely should not be pushed to the point of panting and breathing heavily. Tailor play sessions to the individual: they can be as simple as hitting sticks and ice cubes with broth, or as chase games.
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