Have you made a New Year's resolution to increase the amount of exercise you do? Don't forget to include your cats in this resolution. Exercise is important for cats of all ages. As with humans, cats that exercise regularly are generally happier and healthier, both physically and emotionally.
How much exercise do cats need?
Although there is no prescribed amount of exercise that cats should get every day, Dr. Joy Weinstein, VMD, DACVS of the NorthStar VETS surgical team explains: "We know that cats benefit from exercise, enriched environment and daily interactive play."
Cats can be independent, and many of them will entertain themselves with toys, jumping, running and climbing around your home.
"The amount of exercise a cat needs can vary depending on its age, health and lifestyle," said Dr. Jamie Richardson, Chief Medical Officer of Small Door Veterinary. Dr. Richardson advises, "Some cats are more energetic than others, but most cats generally need at least two to three play sessions with you each day, if not more.
These play sessions should be spread throughout the day and should not be long; cats often play in small touches.
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Why is it important for cats to exercise regularly?
"Regular exercise maintains joint range of motion and is especially important as cats age and develop arthritis. Cats with arthritis will be stiff or lame when they stand up, but this improves as they move around," advises Dr. Weinstein.
In addition, Dr. Richardson notes that helping your cat get regular exercise is a key element in maintaining overall physical and mental health to keep her fit and at a healthy weight.
"Approximately 60% of cats in the United States are overweight or obese, which impacts their quality of life, preventing them from enjoying play and exploration, and can also lead to medical problems such as diabetes, pancreatitis and arthritis," explains Dr. Richardson.
Exercise can also improve behavioural problems.
"When cats don't get enough exercise, they may turn to disruptive actions such as hyperactivity at night, scratching unwanted surfaces or aggression in play," explains Dr. Richardson.
Helping cats get enough exercise can also help improve relationships between cats in multi-cat households and reduce conflict.
How to increase your cat's exercise indoors
The best way to bring exercise into your cat's daily life is to play with him.
"Different cats like different play activities. Interactive play can be initiated with laser toys, balls, small toys (with or without catnip) and toys that hang from a stick," explains Dr. Weinstein.
You want to encourage your cat to pounce, stalk, jump and chase. Cats are natural hunters, and you can channel that hunting instinct through games that will naturally increase your cat's amount of exercise.
"Provide your cat with puzzles and interactive toys for him to play with on his own," explains Dr. Richardson.
You can also add exercise to your cat's routine by giving her the opportunity to work or hunt for her meal. You can do this with food-dispensing toys or by hiding treats around your home, on cat trees or in cans for your cat to hunt and find.
"Changing toys daily allows everyone to get involved, but remember that toys should be monitored and locked in a safe place when not in use to prevent small parts such as string or feathers from being chewed and/or swallowed," explains Dr. Weinstein.
How do you know if your cat needs more exercise?
All cats need exercise, but a sign that your cats need more intentional exercise built into their daily lives is if they "engage in disruptive behaviors such as hyperactivity at night, scratching unwanted surfaces or aggression in play," explains Dr. Richardson.
If your cat has been inactive for some time and/or is overweight, it's a good idea to talk to your veterinarian before you start increasing the amount of exercise your cat does.
"If your cat only gets up to go to the litter box or to the bowl of food and water, he definitely needs more exercise. However, it is dangerous to start exercising just for obese cats, as they can injure themselves by running and jumping for toys," explains Dr. Weinstein.
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