Have you ever thought, "Why is my cat always hungry?"? You are not alone. As a cat sitter, you know that a cat that doesn't eat for a day or two means a visit to the vet. But did you know that a cat that is always hungry can be a sign of health problems, both physical and psychological? Here are some answers to the question: "Why is my cat always hungry?
[caption id="attachment_29" align="aligncenter" width="300"] A cat who is always hungry might have roundworms. Photography by Katerina Maksymenko | Shutterstock.[/caption]
1. Your cat has worms
Is your cat still hungry? Roundworms can mean a cat that is always hungry, because the worms take all the nutrients from its food before it can get them. Ironically, a cat infested with roundworms can look fat because the parasites make her body swell.
Roundworms are contagious to humans, so if you think your cat is a carrier, take a fecal sample to your veterinarian for testing.
2. 2. Your cat has hyperthyroidism or diabetes.
These two diseases cause a significant increase in appetite: hyperthyroidism, because your cat's metabolism burns too many calories, and diabetes, because your cat's body can't convert sugar into energy - and nutrients don't even enter her body. If your cat is always hungry, eats constantly and continues to lose weight, and especially if she also drinks a lot of water, take her to the vet as soon as possible.
[caption id="attachment_30" align="aligncenter" width="300"] A cat who won’t stop eating might just be bored or hungry. Photography ©Svetlanais | Thinkstock.[/caption]
3. Your cat is bored or lonely
A simple answer to the question "Why is my cat always hungry? Just like humans, some cats eat because they are bored. The solution to this problem is to stimulate your cat more and stop leaving him food to nibble on or feeding him for free all day long. If you wish to have a supply of food, provide it in the form of puzzle toys, which will make your cat work for his meal. This will help her burn calories and keep her mind busy.
Be sure to provide her with other intellectually stimulating toys (or maybe even a kitten friend) so that she doesn't think about her plate. You can also buy food vending machines, which give your kitten access to a set amount of food at specific times of the day.
4. Your cat is depressed
Is your cat still hungry? As in humans, overeating can be a calming behaviour for depressed or grieving cats. I've seen it happen: One day, I met a couple who had a cat they had exiled to the basement after the birth of their baby. In reaction, the cat started to eat to calm down, and the result was incredibly sad.
If your cat is depressed, try to get it out of its shell by playing gently with it. Give her "love blinks" - slowly close your eyes, leave them closed for a second, then slowly open them, while thinking "I love you".
5. 5. Your cat's food does not meet her nutritional needs.
You know that when you eat at a fast food restaurant, you're usually hungry an hour later, no matter how much you've eaten? It's not surprising that another answer to the question "Why is my cat always hungry?" is that poor quality cat food can have the same effect on your cat. And just like a person who eats a lot of fast food or can only afford starchy foods, your cat will eat and eat because it cannot satisfy the real hunger (for nutrients) that makes it want to eat.
Another thing to remember when you ask yourself: "Why is my cat always hungry?".
Cats' stomachs are extremely small: a few tablespoons of canned or raw food or (not and) a third of a cup of kibble per meal is about all a cat needs to stay fit and healthy. Of course, if your cat is a 20 pound Maine Coon, she will need a lot more food than a small Singapura, so be sure to work with your vet to determine the most appropriate amount to feed your feline friend.
Just let us know: Is your cat still hungry? How have you solved this problem?
This article was first published in 2015.
Vignette: Photo ©Ukususha | Thinkstock.
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