How to Find the Perfect Cat for Your Family

A kitten or two, an adult or a senior? While it is tempting to choose the cutest, appearance should not be the only factor. A cat's behaviour should match your family's lifestyle.

What is the age of the ideal cat for your family?

Kittens quickly find a home through shelters, rescues and breeders. But are you ready for a kitten? You must first test your home for kittens. Anything that hangs is a toy for kittens, including wires, strings or ropes; valuables may be broken; toilet seats must be lowered; and poisonous plants must be removed. But will the need to protect kittens ever cease?

"It is difficult to determine what a kitten will look like as an adult," says Dr. Terri Derr of Veterinary Behavior Options in Minnetonka, Minnesota. "You simply can't detect an adult personality in a kitten like you can in a puppy."

What about an adult feline? Dr. Derr says that an older cat will be more predictable than a kitten. Their personality is well developed, and their size and appearance is fixed. Adult cats also have the ability to "take better care of small children, because they know how to run away when they are punched. An adult cat also has other advantages, such as veterinary fees.

Many of these animals are often already spayed or neutered and have their shots.

Looking for more predictability? Try an older person! According to Dr. Leanne Lilly, a veterinary behaviorist and assistant professor at Ohio State University School of Veterinary Medicine, cats are seniors at the age of 8: "Owners have a good idea of what these cats look like, but you have to consider that they may have more medical than behavioral problems. However, these animals are generally easy to care for and "since cats can live into their teens and twenties, adopting an older cat can mean many wonderful years to come".

find the perfect cat for your family

Photo: CasarsaGuru | Getty Images

Special needs pets are the ideal cat for your family.

Cats with special needs also want a home. According to Dr. Lilly, three-legged or blind felines can live long and thrive just like their healthy counterparts. Adult cats carrying viruses such as feline leukemia and FIV will likely have a shorter lifespan, but will still make excellent pets. Sometimes what makes an animal different is exactly what makes it so endearing.

When Brad Madson of Edina, Minnesota, took early retirement, he decided he wanted a cat. A friend told him about a kitten with feline leukemia, Minnie Mae, at a local shelter. The cat had been scared of the shelter staff, but when Brad came to see her, she came out and head-butted him. "I knew she was destined to be with me," says Brad. "I consulted my veterinarian, who helped me explain Minnie Mae's health problems. We now have a plan to keep her healthy.

Why TWO are better than one!

Two felines can socialize and spend their energy on each other, rather than on you or your furniture.

Shelters and rescue centers often have "related" animals that come from the same home and must be adopted together. This is a great option when you are looking to adopt two or more cats at the same time.

Do you spend long hours at work? Two compatible cats keep each other company to pass the time when you are away from home.

find the perfect cat for your family

Consider activity and personality when adding a cat to your family.

In addition to age and health, your lifestyle, energy and living situation are also important factors. Do you want a pet kitten or a race kitten? Do you need a feline that gets along with your dog or children?

Dr. Derr points out that a cat's breed can determine the level of activity and personality. "Bengal cats need a special kind of owner," she says. "They are always on the move, unlike Ragdolls or Burmese, who are just happy to sit on your lap."

These are the best breeds of cats for...

People who have a lot of time: Among the breeds that develop through love and attention are the Burmese, Cornish and Devon Rex, Egyptian Mau, Persian, Ragdoll, Sphynx, Tonkinese.

People on the move : The races that are independent include: American Wirehair, British Shorthair, Manx, Norwegian Forest Cat, Russian Blue, Scottish Fold, Somali.

Families with other pets and children : Breeds that are active and extroverted include: Abyssinian, Bengal, Burmese, Japanese Bobtail, Maine Coon, Siamese, Siberian.
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